
Lectures & Discourse: Healthcare

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National Health Care

Dr Mroczek talks with Dr David Himmelstein, co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Care Program, The discussion took place several years before Obamacare was instituted. The issues discussed here and their relevancy remain, if not more so, post Obamacare.

Healthcare Policy in the USA

The topic begins at 20′ into the video. Dr Mroczek spends the first 20′ of the video summarizing things being done and happening under the administration of President 44 about which most persons were oblivious. The mainstream media was greatly friendly to that administration and was cultivated to be so by the administration.

At 20′ into the video, Dr Mroczek hosts her second discussion about the need for sound health care policy that would cover all persons. She talks with with the executive director of Mass-Care, one of several state organizations existing to try to bring about single payor health care. The backdrop to the discussion comes at the time Congress is working frenetically to get a health care bill passed for President 44, a bill ultimately pushed through so speedily that many pitfalls, un-workabilities, and disregard for ordinary prudent oversight prevailed. Such impediments to reasonable and universal coverage and the general health care matters of the day are discussed. Mass-Care holds the position that no one should be sick without recourse to decent care, that states must be the ones to carry the ball, and that authority for treatment and treatment choices should lie with, and be between, doctor and patient.

Dr. Nancy Mroczek, PhD
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