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Topic 1: Fishy Fish Topic 2: New Car Smell Part 1
Even before the 2010 oil spill in Louisiana, the alarming condition of sea life and the seafood supply; also what’s in your new car smell can hurt you
Holocaust in the Gulf
Sea life in the Gulf of Mexico continues to suffer and then dies, dies, dies, and, no, it’s not over; the death, dying, and depletion will continue. Nancy Mroczek PhD (2010)
McDonald’s Needs No Farm
Fast-Food Dangers: case in point; non-food half of chicken McNuggets and your well-being and health.
Genetic Engineering and Animals
Dr Mroczek discusses genetic engineering of animals with Elaine Birkholz of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The discussion includes description of the processes and ends, description of aspects of experience for the hapless animals coercively subjected to such use, and especially description of the suffering and pain of animals victimized as objects or tools of such study and matters of what if any animal protections prevail. Warnings of the unknown but variably probable outcomes from genetic engineering that could be detrimental to human existence are also given. Discussion is broad and wide about what constitutes and what is at stake in unbridled genetic engineering using animals and what is tantamount to horrible animal suffering.
Basic Understanding of Radioactive Energy – with Ernest Moniz
Dr Mroczek questions Dr Ernest Moniz, eminent nuclear engineer scientist of MIT and Obama administration Secretary of Energy, about radiation basics for non-nuclear educated persons.
Lay Person’s Guide to Nuclear Force and Radiation
Exquisite discussion about exactly what nuclear energy and radiation are with Professor Ian Hutchinson of MIT‘s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Nuclear Radiation
Dr Ken Czerwinski of MIT gives an excellent discussion with Dr Nancy Mroczek about radiation effects on biological as well as inorganic matter, the many facets of radioactive energy around us and in our lives, and insights into nuclear fission and the operation of nuclear power plants.
Jeopardies to our Physical Well-Being
Highlighting a few of the very very many body harmful things we eat or use everyday; also a plea for animals.
Nature and Animals in Distress
Dr Mroczek talks about the multitudinous negative realities for our exploited earth and suffering animals and receives listener calls. She talks about soil quality, air quality, ocean pollution, dwindling seafood, the horror for animals used in research, as well as how and why these are important and bad.
Animal Research Right or Wrong
Discussion of opponent Dr Mroczek about animal research with Massachusetts Society for Medical Research president Ms Higgins Cavalier and veterinarian Dr S Niemi DVM. Discussion covers layers of animal advocacy and research licensing, oversight committees, numbers and kinds in animal usage, exclusion of rats and mice from many regulations in place for other species, philosophy of and against using animals, and the role and issues of lab technicians. Dr Mroczek weaves interjections and principles for consideration against use of any animal for any research on the basis of it’s suffering and hapless vulnerability to be used – summarized in the fact that animals are sentient and willful and animals feel pain and terror – including the pain of existence in a small cage, isolation, boredom, to say the least of invasive procedures and illness. Someday we’ll all be free.
A View of Neurology on Psychiatry
Dr Mroczek looks at major serious forms of psychiatric disorder and symptoms in discussion with Dr B Price, chief of the Dept of Neurology at McLean’s Hospital. Dr Price advances developments in biological causation of such conditions as well as pharmacological models for their study and management. Dr Mroczek imparts a behavioral and phenomenological perspective to psychiatric disease.
Biological Disturbance in the Marine Environment
Dr Mroczek talks with MIT marine ecologist Professor Judith Pederson about non-native colonies of small sea animals, such as hydroids and tunicates that attach to hard surfaces such as docks, hulls, rock, etc. Such sea animals largely come in through the ballast waters of tankers. Non-native species of these small creatures act as competitors to the natural order of our shorelines, some being outright invasive. These non-native organisms are polluting our oceans. Economically, they are a threat to fisheries and aquaculture. Dr Pederson brings live species of tunicates and other attaching organisms for us to examine and to entice viewers to be aware of their existence and perhaps even to help in the effort to forestall their taking over areas previously foreign to them. The topic is interesting even as a lesson in the wonders of sea life. Children may enjoy the show and tell aspect of the talk.
Brutal Sound Under the Sea
Dr Mroczek talks with Ms Taffy Williams, environmentalist and Director of the New York Whale and Dolphin League who addresses LFA (low frequency active) sonar use in the ocean by militaries the world over. The sonar is reportedly used to locate other vessels, persons, objects, etc in the ocean. This high intensity sonar travels hundreds of miles in every direction of the ocean causing pain, destruction, disorientation, and death to cetaceans and other marine life which are all at its horrible mercy. It causes the tissue of airspaces such as lungs and ears to hemorrhage and tear. Pod strandings are repeatedly correlated with naval use of LFA sonar. Ms Williams notes availability of so-called passive sonar which works by listening instead of sending sound and can perform the same function. Ms Williams believes that in modern society there is a fascination with sound (loud, intense) as power. In any event, the immoral desecratory consequences of lfa sonar use on marine life is insupportable. Scientists, scientific organizations, and activists have been fighting legally against it for years it but the practice continues.