Lahaina Aug 23 2023…
Lahaina is not a goldmine NO TO BILLIONAIRES
Now more than ever
God’s heaven on earth
R Kennedy -- No, don't tell us the awful truth: Persons know that what R Kennedy is saying on many topics is true but they can't bear to hear it -- Human mentation, which rears from affect - i.e, emotion - is only sparsely rational July 26, 2023: quote attributed to K: ---We Have Cushy Socialism For The Super Rich And Savage,Merciless Capitalism For The Poor--- truer words never spoken I point to SVB bailout of mightily monied interests which had no right to get their money reimbursed by the FDIC after the SVB debacle; the $ was not guaranteed by FDIC limits; not only, SVB was playing loose & fast with $ instead of abiding by rules for banks; i.e., rules for thee but not for me; the bailout never would have happened for persons not in the loop of woke $-- S Bankman Freid is being handled with kid gloves too ADD: Aug 2023: LINK> Sam Bankman-Fried Accused Of Using $100 Million In Stolen Funds On Political Donations July 20, 2023 My message below to one of several writers who claim that Kennedy said the covid pathogen was engineered to spare certain ethnicities: I'm neither a fan nor non-fan of Kennedy but i must say the rank & file has lost ability to think -- From the lines I read about the matter, Kennedy was not saying the pathogen was crafted to spare certain ethnicities-- He was saying that 2 ethnicities seemed significantly less vulnerable to covid, --reason tbd Similarly, when i viewed some of a 'town hall' of Kennedy with E Vargas, I saw plainly how Vargas could not get the specific meanings of what Kennedy was saying-- She deafly listened to her apparent inner programming & was not able to get the points he was making - ie, points which had to be grasped regardless of whether she agreed or disagreed -- Oblivious disagreement was in her forefront(al lobe) & the substance of Kennedy's words were left flapping in the wind-- We cannot go more than a nanometer deep now into the grey or white matter of our brains ----: should the internet & collective "think" be congratulated for our sorry state of cognition? Sm wonder we are so polarized-- thinking, absorbing, really getting a point before accepting or rejecting it & just engaging discussion or debate, is NOT how we are operating-- It's more akin to nanny goats being presented ideas & bleating In sum, we are fastidiously conditioned & fastened to cognitions that are shockingly considerably un-informed & we defend them to the max
Make some sense: STOP the scents
phthalates, phthalates everywhere
no drop of air to breathe
people buy the phthalate ruse
…and health goes to the blues
Please look up what phthalates are & what they do to you…
Global WarNing
Oct 3, 2022: To scientists sending alarm about global warming:
the “remedies” are as bad or worse than the problem
there are SO-O-O-OH many problems with them from sourcing to storage to output to trashing
not only, they are insufficient
why not plant many trees
why not carbon capture
why not sensible ways to use coal & oil with their high density energy
why not proselytize less energy consumption
instead of e-v’s we should be moving away from autos for everyone, high rise construction that uses internal venting systems, etc
ppl do not understand the pathos of ourselves using the world as toilet paper
ppl do not grieve in their guts for the profane abuse we give mother earth
they have been told there is a problem & they are scared but they do not “get” at all the toxicity & anti-nature proclivity of their lives
in other words, a proper understanding is sorrow for human abuse rather than fear of “warming”
no to plastic
no to paper towels
no to synthetic scents, etc, etc, etc
in other words, no to corporate provisioning environmentally deleterious “products”
we have neither respect nor appreciation for mother earth especially in the contemporary age – we don’t see the sky at night, we don’t walk in natural environs – we are glued to “apps”, materialism, technology
technology is bad for mother earth, in no way a solution
Your friendly Luddite
Nasty Net
1-3-23: The internet has brought huge negative consequence to humanity.
This includes the severe polarization as we emotionalize – instead of contemplate – in short impulsive bursts.
Also, our bodies are ergonomically not structured to be bent in towards a screen clicking our lives away & coercing musculature more rightly suited for fine skills such as great manual art & manipulations.
Our bodies are meant to USE as whole body musculature in small & large ways over many hours of the day vs sitting still & over-taxing the eyes (including the slow effect of microwaves on eyeballs).
The internet makes us interact as fundamentally unfamiliar virtual strangers – we can no longer get a sense of ‘character” & certainly often no clue about bad players.
The internet forces the brain into adaptations that go against its biological evolution – a lot of stored ‘nonsense’, meaningless mishmash – eg, passwords, etc, while evolutionarily the brain operates as in to cohere, gel, make sense of, inputs.
The internet forces us to follow hierarchical trees of system navigation whereas the unfettered brain can think in an instant (like magic) & to the exact point.
The internet, plain & simple, puts a barrier between people: the screen.
The internet reduces language to emoji level capacity.
We are losing the profound & intricate lexicon of human ideation.
Cheapest trick: we are losing knowledge –into the cloud & NOT carried in the minds of humans. —-it’s devolution.
& ai is horror we are bringing upon ourselves… .
Ultimately, too, what is the stupidity of having nothing to do (or think) as in having daily living roboticized.
DJT-Pres 45:
Said what he thought;
Thought what he said…
July 23, 2022:
Is raw sex, sex for sex’s sake, the only kind of passion we can muster?
Where is love, devotion, Tenderness
Where is meaning
A hole (whole) lot of f—ing Lust – always?
Sex and sexuality is a very private* thing – (*as in right to privacy)
Human relation and mental health go hand in hand
Less of relation = more of illness
Fauci “I am science”: a small – & now we know deceitful – & sadistic in what he allowed/allows to be done to animals in ghastly research using them – man in every sense of the word 4-17-24: Fauci “I am science” ran a remarkably controlled experiment: masks, distancing, sequestering, vaxxing, re-vaxxing, with ‘medical’ (& social) ‘results’ to an engineered virus for an unsuspecting populous drawn into a real life ‘laboratory’ by FEAR